
Study: protected bike lanes really do increase biking

Safety is usually the biggest reason why more people don't bike. True, biking isn't all that dangerous compared to being a pedestrian, but it seems much more dangerous — especially to people who haven't ridden in traffic or been on a bike much since childhood. Research shows the lanes make new bikers feel safer about biking   Luckily, we have a cutting-edge technology that can solve this problem: protected bike lanes. Though some European cities began installing these bike lanes — which are physically separated from the street by a curb or barrier — during the 1970s and 80s , relatively few of them existed in the US until recently. Over the past few years, though, American cities have begun building them in record numbers. And if the goal of these lanes is to get more people biking, research shows they work. A new study of eight recently-installed protected bike lanes in Austin, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco, and Washington, DC shows they encouraged substant

Stand Up To Cancer . . an annual scamathon

September 14, 2014 is the date of the highly promoted Stand Up to Cancer Telethon.  The following is the warm and fuzzy intro to the event copied directly from their website.  As always, the cancer movement's message is that we are so close to a breakthrough . "Stand Up To Cancer aims to form an unstoppable movement against cancer. Through TV and the internet, particularly the USA-based telethon that occurs every year in September, famous names and the entertainment industry team up to drive home the message that together we can stop cancer. One in two men and one in three women will suffer from cancer in their lifetime (American Cancer Society). We can all be affected by the terrible disease, whether the person diagnosed is a friend, a parent, a child, a sibling or a partner. Stand Up To Cancer aim to form a united front against the disease, raising money and urging forward breakthrough research. Stand Up To Cancer Day works to heighten the profile of research in

Top Tips to Decrease Your Breast Cancer Risk

by Dr. Mercola   Less than 10 percent of all breast cancer cases are thought to be related to genetic risk factors. The remainder—90 percent—appear to be triggered by environmental factors   According to recent research, you can reduce your risk of breast cancer by avoiding certain chemicals found in common, everyday products   An estimated 90 percent of Americans have flame-retardant chemicals in their bodies, and many studies have linked them to human health risks, including liver, kidney, testicular, and breast cancers   Previous studies have shown that all parabens have estrogenic activity in human breast cancer cells. In one study, 99 percent of cancerous tissue samples were found to contain parabens 16 cancer-causing chemical groups to avoid, and 22 other breast cancer prevention strategies are discussed. Read the complete story HERE >

France experiments with paying people to cycle to work

People cycle as they visit the 2nd Croix Rousse tunnel reserved for pedestrians, bicycles and buses. France has started a six-month experiment with paying people to cycle to work, joining other European governments in trying to boost bicycle use to boost people's health, reduce air pollution and cut fossil fuel consumption. Several countries including the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Belgium and Britain have bike-to-work schemes, with different kinds of incentives such as tax breaks, payments per kilometer and financial support for buying bicycles. In France, some 20 companies and institutions employing a total of 10,000 people have signed up to pay their staff 25 euro cents (34 U.S. cents) per kilometer biked to work, the transport ministry said in a statement on Monday. French Transport Minister Frederic Cuvillier, noting that commuting using public transport and cars is already subsidized, said that if results of the test are promising, a second experiment on a larger

The Mind-Boggling Possibilities of Solar Roadways

This may be the invention that finally rivals sliced bread. And if it really gets some traction, and does not get politicized, or blasted out of existence by the fossil fuel lobbyists this may even be bigger than sliced bread. Imagine that. Click to view the YouTube video . Form your own opinion, pass it along to your friends, post it on your facebook page. It's a bit on the "hip" side for some of us over the age of  . . . . whatever, but it gets the point across.  Here's another video link by the inventors, Scott and Julie Brusaw. 

Are Saunas the Next Big Performance-Enhancing “Drug”?

By Dr. Mercola  Historically, saunas have a longstanding tradition of use. They are common to many Eastern European countries, as well as Asia. In some countries, such as Finland, you can find them in nearly every home, where they're used for relaxation, detoxification and more. Saunas are actually becoming increasingly used by athletes as well, but not only for the post-workout muscle relaxation as you might expect. According to Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick, Ph.D., increasing your core temperature for short periods, as is done by using a sauna, may offer dramatic improvements to your athletic performance. She calls this concept "hyperthermic conditioning," which emerging research suggests has multiple positive effects on your body, from increased endurance to the growth of new brain cells. Increasing your core temperature for short periods, as is done by using a sauna, may offer dramatic improvements to your athletic performance   This concept, c

Few things impact a family more than a diagnosis of cancer

WATCH: The Quest For The Cures Thursday, May 22, 2014 by Mike Adams , the Health Ranger "Much of human history, sadly, has been condemned under oppressive regimes that incessantly seek to suppress knowledge. The cancer industry is one of the worst offenders: it actively seeks to suppress the truth about vitamin D's anti-cancer capabilities, the truth about how chemical exposure causes cancer, and the truth about how cancer will never be cured by a chemical drug. The cancer industry ridiculously wants us all to believe that cancer happens without cause, that cancer will one day be cured with pharmaceuticals, but that the search for that cure might take another hundred years and a few trillion dollars... during which we're all supposed to keep running around in circles with pink ribbons, emptying our pockets of donation cash. " Cancer has reached epic proportions worldwide. Why? What’s different now than just 100 years ago? What can you do ab