McDonald's Restaurants Should be Reclassifed as Hazardous Toxic Dumpsites
Every mouthful of McDonalds meal contains a handful of chemicals that raise 'bad'cholesterol levels, increase diabetes risk, lower immunity, and damage DNA. I had a weak moment last night and went to McDonald's. It's been a couple years since I last had a weak moment. Maybe it took that long to get the after taste out of my mouth. In spite the little voices telling me no, I went ahead anyway and ordered a Big Mac and a large of order of fries. Like in the picture above. When I picked it up off the conveyor belt I almost sent it back. It looked disgusting. It didn't smell like food and it certainly didn't taste like food. AND it wasn't cheap, or that fast. $7.50 for an order toxic sludge. I can't believe they haven't been shut down by the FDA, the health department and every location be classified as a hazardous toxic dump site. And to think parents actually take their kids there to feed them and call it a TREAT! If it wasn't bad en