Green Up, Get Moving

Green Up, Get Moving was inspired by a survey, conducted by National Geographic, that found American consumers ranked DEAD LAST as consumers of renewable energy, recycling, transportation, food consumption, and everyday consumer goods and NUMBER ONE in obesity and related diseases.

The Green Up promotion addresses both issues. It combines the green movement with fitness sports to help bring awareness to the importance of maintaining a sustainable planet and healthy body! It's designed to get people of all ages involved in physical activities and to serve as a platform to help promote zero-waste and the universal green marketing theme of Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. It's also about having fun!

THIS IS HOW IT WORKS: In a nutshell
  • Green Up, Get Moving is a hands-on promotion. We work with event promoters and attend as many fitness related sporting events, trade shows, markets and festivals as possible throughout the year.
  • We assist participating promoters by advertising and marketing their event in exchange for on-site space during their events, where we distribute our sponsors information, literature, product samples and sometimes conduct demo's. We also distribute information about living a sustainable green lifestyle, getting fit and tips on how to reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Through our promotion we also encourage participants, spectators and everyone else to walk, bike car pool, or take public transportation to and from events -- and everywhere else, whenever possible.
  • We also promote the concept of "zero-waste," by discouraging the use of disposable plastic water bottles and other disposable plastic items and to use only refillable, stainless steel, or other non-disposable recyclable containers.
That's the basic format. We are flexible and work with promoters special requests, plus assist in the procurement of sponsors and volunteers. 406-871-6282


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