
Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Want You To Know About This Cheap Cure: 76% Of Cancer Cells Can Be Killed In Just 24 Hours

A recent study revealed one of the most dangerous health scams that has been killing people for decades in a very cruel way. It is chemotherapy.  Dr. Hardin B. Jones, professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, studied the lifespan of cancer patients over a period of 25 years, when he came to the conclusion that chemotherapy does not work.  He testified that the patients suffering from cancer, who were treated with chemotherapy, died the most horrible death. Also, Dr. Jones warned that patients treated with chemotherapy die much faster and more painfully than those treated with an alternative therapy. After numerous studies, it has been concluded that chemotherapy significantly reduces the lifetime and kills patients faster, and the worst in all this is that it is done consciously. Pharmaceutical companies are doing it to make a profit, and it all was all for nothing when the people realize that cancer is curable by means of cheap and natural remedi

How many people have died from chemotherapy, not cancer?

How can someone die from chemotherapy overdose? It's simple. First of all, many people who are fighting cancer don't really have cancer. Doctors, X-ray technicians and oncologists misread (purposely or on accident) lab results, and people go under the knife, get chemo and radiation for NO reason but to pad the pockets of the billion-dollar cancer machine. Second of all, many people who are fighting cancer ARE WEAK, and the last thing they need is to kill their good bacteria and poison their pineal gland in their brain. Then, at the hospital, they are fed 100% GMO toxic food, toxic beverages, toxic sugar water (via the IV), and toxic gluten, MSG and aspartame at the hospital cafeteria. Cancer victims are being "processed," and they don't even know that chemotherapy was first thought up by Nazis. People die from chemotherapy overdose because they are already weak and consume all the wrong foods. Cancer can be reversed. Organic sulfur, hemp seed oil, chaga mushroo

Cycling Helps Beat Cancer

Cycling has been known to improve your overall health. Now research shows it reduces cancer risk, too.     Biking just half an hour a day reduces risk of cancer by 34 percent according to a new Swedish report published in the British Journal of Cancer. The study, which looked at more than 40,000 Scandinavian men ages 45-79, found a direct relationship between the amount of time men spent cycling and the risk of being diagnosed with cancer and their cancer recovery rate. The researchers compared responses from the men with seven years of medical records and the group's 3700 cancer cases to find the association. In addition to the reduction in cancer incidence, daily cyclists were also 33 percent more likely to survive and recover from cancer. And for each hour of moderate exercise, risk of cancer mortality dropped by 12 percent.  The researchers say it's clear that increased activity leads to a longer life, but they point out the exact effects of exercise on cancer

Seniors Exercise Well Into Their Golden Years

Here's a little inspiration for those of us over age 60, 70, 80 and beyond.   Whether you’ve never exercised before or have simply fallen off track, it’s never too late to renew your commitment to physical activity. Even if you’re well into your senior years, you still have time to begin. In a study, a group of nursing home residents with an average age of 90 improved their strength between 167 and 180 percent after just eight weeks of weight training. For example, Willie Murphy, (featured in full article), began weight lifting at age 73. Four years later, at 77, she was able to deadlift 215 pounds — more than twice her own weight (105 pounds). She can also powercurl 60 pounds. Needless to say, she carries her grand-children and groceries with ease, and has no problem shoveling her own snow and pushing her car when it gets stuck. These are all quality of life issues that you may not fully appreciate until or unless you lose them. Murphy, however, recognizes the value of being ab

Innovative Glass Roof Tiles Heat Your Home With Solar Energy

High-efficiency is slowly becoming a prerequisite for homes, not a fab anymore. People choosing to resort to more eco-friendly alternatives have pushed innovation to a more accessible standard. Solar heating for example can be both efficient and stylish with these Glass Roof Tiles.  Made by SolTech System, this combination of technology with ecology brings all home owners a definite advantage and makes them choose environmental-friendly materials often. The important thing to know about this particular type of roof tile is that it doesn’t need bright sunshine in order to function at high parameters.  Check out how the entire system works from the following presentation and get a clearer picture of what a high-efficient home should look like. And be certain technological innovation has a beneficial effect on our lifestyles. MORE >>

Toxic Cookware Chemicals Have Polluted Drinking Water for Millions

Teflon more dangerous than previously thought It seems like anything we consume and chemically manufactured is at a high health risk. And it makes sense. Chemicals are not of a natural substance, and should not be part in our food chain. That includes most medicines, vaccines and all processed foods. Less than 1 percent of the world's freshwater is readily accessible and much of it has been polluted by industrial runoff, most of which contains heavy metals and other chemicals. According to a recent Harvard study, 16.5 million Americans have detectable levels of at least one kind of polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl chemical (PFASs) in their drinking water. About 6 million Americans are drinking water that contains PFAS at or above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) safety level. These industrial chemicals have been linked to a number of health problems, from obesity and hormonal problems to impaired immune function5 and cancer, and the study's authors warn

Tiny sci-fi-esque pod cabins make the California desert look like an alien planet

A series of tiny pods have descended on the high desert outside Joshua Tree National Park, making the bizarrely beautiful landscape look almost like an alien world.  The micro-cabins are the brainchild of artist Andrea Zittel, who installed ten of these A-Z Wagon Stations as part of the Wagon Station Encampment, an experimental temporary residence for artists and creatives.  Scattered among giant dusty boulders, the metallic pods were designed with a “sci-fi pioneer aesthetic” inspired by the NASA Mars base tests in the Mojave desert and the covered horse-drawn wagons of the old Wild West.