
Toxic Black Sludge Pouring Out of Faucets in Texas Town Where FBI Arrested Every City Official

By Colin Taylor With each passing week, the consequences of our nation’s long neglect of i nfrastructure become alarmingly clear. The refusal of Michigan’s Republican Governor Rick Snyder to inform the people of Flint that their drinking water was contaminated with dangerous amounts of lead has been occupying the public’s attention, but similar crises around the nation are being revealed with a frightening frequency. The rural town of Crystal City, Texas, received an unpleasant shock last week when they turned on their taps only to find black liquid spurting from the pipes. Apparently due to the flushing of a water tank that hadn’t been cleaned in decades, the water was found to smell awful and took on a greasy, oily texture. Complicating matters is the fact that all city officials but one were recently arrested by the FBI for perpetrating a massive bribery ring and illegal gambling. “The indictment alleges that these public officials and this businessman solicited and

President Obama’s budget proposal and bikes

On Tuesday February 9, President Obama released his fiscal year 2017 (FY17) budget request, which lays out the administration’s spending recommendations for the coming year. How does this relate to getting more people on bikes? The federal government funds several important programs that help communities build places to ride, and the President’s budget highlights the need to expand transportation options across the country. The budget proposes a significant increase in funding for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s popular TIGER grant program from $500 million in the current fiscal year to $1.25 billion. This program provides grants to build multi-modal transportation projects and many communities have used TIGER grants to construct innovative facilities that incorporate bicycle infrastructure. Another piece of the President's budget proposal relates to the implementation of the FAST Act, the five-year transportation reauthorization bill. Specifically, he highlights the

Recognizing Pedal Power's Economic Potential

Bicycling Tourists Are Older, Wealthier, and In Demand November 30, 2015 -- By Marsha Mercer   Cities and states have long urged their residents to ride bicycles, as a healthy form of recreation and as a green alternative to driving. Now they’re recognizing pedal power’s economic potential. Tourism officials and cycling advocates sometimes refer to tourists on bicycles as “wallets on wheels.” That’s because they stay longer in a state and spend more per day than other tourists. Oregon, for example, has found that bicycle tourism contributes $400 million a year to its economy—roughly $1.1 million a day. It was the first state to create a Bike Friendly Business Program that helps businesses market to bicycle tourists. Other states are pursuing similar strategies. In September, Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper declared that Colorado would spend $100 million over four years to make itself “the best state for biking in the country.”  Washington, ranked the most bike-friendly stat

Cycling is Like Fertilizer for the Brain

It's no secret that cycling makes you fitter. Research shows that it also sharpens your thinking and melts away stress. Here's how to maximize the many other benefits of cycling. By Selene Yeager, Bicycling Magazine Every morning Canadian neuroscientist Brian Christie, PhD, gives his brain an extra boost. We're not talking about tossing back multiple strong shots of espresso or playing one of those mind-training games advertised all over Facebook. "I hop on my bike, go to the gym for 45 minutes, then ride the rest of  the way to work," says Christie. "When I get to my desk, my brain is at peak activity for a few hours." After his mental focus sputters to a halt later in the day, he jump-starts it with another short spin to run errands. Ride, work, ride, repeat. It's a scientifically proven system that unleashes some unexpected benefits of cycling. In a recent study in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, scientists found that people

"Make the most of the hemp seed, sow it everywhere." - George Washington. Environmental and Economic Benefits of Hemp

Hemp is the same plant as marijuana, its scientific name is "cannabis sativa." For thousands of years hemp was used to make dozens of commercial products like paper, rope, canvas, and textiles. In fact, the very name "canvas" comes from the Dutch word meaning cannabis, which is marijuana. That's correct, real canvas is made from marijuana! Many years ago hemp/marijuana was unjustly banned. However, hemp has recently been rediscoverd as a plant that has enormous environmental, economic, and commercial potential. What follows are some fascinating facts about hemp/marijuana - facts that will shock most people: The potential of hemp for paper production is enormous. According to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, one acre of hemp can produce 4 times more paper than one acre of trees! All types of paper products can be produced from hemp: newsprint, computer paper, stationary, cardboard, envelopes, toilet paper, even tampons. FACT: THERE IS NO TREE OR PLANT S

Caltrans Launches New Focus on Bicycles and Pedestrians

SAN DIEGO - Caltrans announced today the launch of the planning process for the first California State Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (CSBPP). The visionary and comprehensive CSBPP will focus on improving safety and access for everyone across all modes, particularly bicycle and pedestrian. “More Californians are choosing alternatives to driving that have health benefits and cut greenhouse gases,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “Caltrans will collaborate with a variety of stakeholders who have a stake in safe and accessible transportation in California.” In keeping with Caltrans’ new mission to “provide a safe, sustainable, integrated, and efficient transportation system to enhance California’s economy and livability,” bicycle and pedestrian transportation must play a larger role in California’s transportation system. Public participation is critical to developing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan that strengthens bicycling and pedestrian safety and increases opportunities across

Billions In Change

The world is facing some huge problems. There’s a lot of talk about how to solve them. But talk doesn’t reduce pollution, or grow food, or heal the sick. That takes doing. This film is the story about a group of doers, the elegantly simple inventions. VIEW >>

City Hall calls it "a crazy gamble, but achievable." No motorized vehicles

Imagine any big city anywhere in the world without traffic just for a day. Now, if that city were Paris, imagine further the photographic possibilities, not to mention the visual, auditory and olfactory potential. Imagine no more because on September 27th, that’s just what Paris is going to do: “Une Journée Sans Voiture” – A Day Without Car, for the first time in the city’s history. City Hall calls it “a crazy gamble, but achievable.” No motorized vehicle, with a few exceptions like ambulances, will be allowed to drive the streets.  As Mayor Anne Hidalgo  announced in March : “Paris will be completely transformed for a day. This is an opportunity for Parisians and tourists to enjoy the city without noise, pollution and therefore without stress.” Other cities including Montreal, Bogota, Mexico City, Ho Chi Minh City and Brussels have instituted Day Without Car programs, some of them permanently and some partially, closing certain streets and encouraging bike ridi

Non-participation is an option! We have choices!

We live in the world's wealthiest nation, yet we rank dead last in health care, we have the highest rate of cancer, heart disease, obesity and abuse more alcohol, prescription and illegal drugs.  Nearly 49 million Americans live in poverty and struggle to put food on the table, but yet we throw away 165 billion dollars worth of food every year! Non-participation is an option! We have choices!  Follow along Alternatives Magazine weekly webline stories.

WATER Can't live without it. At the rate we're polluting it, we may find out!

Over the last couple weeks more stories about water disasters have been making headlines which makes us wonder if there isn't a conspiracy brewing someplace, or a sinister government agency making a midnight move -- (and sure enough there was).   We have the mindset that there will always be water and that it's somebody else's problem if there isn't. Boohoo California and your drought. Water is everywhere, just ask Nestle. It's bottled and piled to the ceiling in grocery stores, we turn on the tap and there it is, in some places you can actually set it on fire, but that's another story. Don't want to make the oil and gas guys nervous while partying with politicians prepping the Arctic for the next major oil spill disaster.   And what's up with this Algae Bloom? How can a name like Algae Bloom be bad? And Fukushima? Isn't that old news? And what does it have to do with our water here?   Below are a couple articles

Motor City fast becoming Detroit Bike City

Many factors contribute to the booming bike culture in Detroit. Among them: a revived interest in the city. Living green and healthy is trending. Detroit’s sparsely-driven roadways make great ground for bikers.   “Biking has totally exploded,” said cycling advocate Tom Page. “I don’t think any of us could have imagined it. Every day there’s a riding event going on and at the same time we’re starting to get the infrastructure — bike lanes, parking racks — that support it.” READ

The American Dream

You can tell election time is coming up. You begin to itch and squirm and become a little testy and you can't quite figure out why. Then it hit's. You've been listening to all these knuckle dragging Presidential hopefuls spouting off telling us how much better off we're going to be if you vote for them.  When you really start to get a little cranky and look around for something to throw through your TV, click on the photo above and let George get you straight with his bit of wisdom - The American Dream .  You probably should play it everyday especially the closer we get to election day when the bullshit and lies really begin to fly.

End of the car age: how cities are outgrowing the automobile

“Multi-modal” and “interconnectivity” are now the words on every urban planner’s lips. In Munich, city dwellers of the future would no longer need cars.  Bikes and more efficient public transport would be the norm. The statistic they are most proudest of is that more than 15% of its residents commute to work by bike.  “It’s about creating an environment where it’s easier for people to cycle or take the bus. READ >>