
Empowering Your Health: Beyond Monsanto, Rockefeller and the AMA

When your doctor tells you your prescription is approved by the American Medical Association (AMA), it's intended to give you confidence. But what it really means is that the drug or procedure is endorsed and funded by the same corporations that endorse and fund Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and other products that are harmful to your health and is directly related to causing some forms of cancer.  In fact, the AMA is in part financed by Pfizer, which owns Monsanto, the company that manufactured controversial and proven-to-be-dangerous products such as the insecticide DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, and recombinant bovine somatotropin (a.k.a. bovine growth hormone) and is now the largest manufacturer of genetically modified seeds and the herbicide glyphosate, which GMO's require.  This is only one of the insidious connections between the AMA and corporations that cause, and prosper from, your ill health. By Kimberly Carter Gamble with Erin Breech

Bike Saturdays Chain of Events Calendar

The season is just about here and the event calendar is starting to take shape.  We're still waiting confirmation for many events, but here's a couple to get you started. If you're promoting a bike event, fitness related or supporting activity, list it the Chain of Events calendar. MAY 3 BIKE SATURDAYS Kick Off Ride Cleanup, Greenup Downtown Kalispell 10:00 - 2:00 pm See calendar for details and contact info MAY 17 BIKE SATURDAYS with the Flathead Valley Trust Bike and Bird in the lower valley 10 miles 9:00 am - 12:00 noon See calendar for details and contact info JUNE 24 Begin every Tuesday night concerts in the park Depot Park, Kalispell A BIKE SATURDAYS ride will proceed the concert Everyone welcome. Information booth See calendar for details and contact info

Your Support is Appreciated

As we speak there are over 7000 oil spills happening world wide. Most going unchecked. Killing millions of birds and other animals. Never reported by mainstream media.   Your Support is Appreciated.Subscribe to the Alternatives Magazine weekly email newsletter. ONLY $15 per year! Safe subscribe through PayPal . 

The Dirtiest Pit on the Planet

  Just for fun, I asked 12 people  if they ever heard of the Alberta Tar Sands? One out of the 12 heard about it, but didn't know what or where it was. I then asked if they ever heard of Keystone Pipeline? Five heard about it, but again didn't know exactly where it was. Two of the five heard it would provide jobs and none knew what kind of sludge it would be transporting or where.  I continued with my probing questions and asked if they ever heard of Dancing With the Stars, the Kardashians? It's always amazing to me, how little we know about the stuff we should, and how much we know about the mindless and the useless. So much for my survey. Here's some more fun stuff to think about   The Athabasca River in Canada was one the cleanest rivers in the world, but due to the run off from Alberta's oil sands hardly anything lives in it now because of acidification. The growing levels of acid rain consequentially leading to an increase in water contami

Organic by 2020

If you’re a fan of organic food options, here’s cause to celebrate: the organic market is simply exploding! We recently reported that one assessment of the organic food market projected growth of 14 percent through 2018.  Now, another report, titled Organic Food & Beverages Market Analysis and Segment Forecasts to 2020, projects even more of a growth — a nearly 16 percent skyrocket of the organic food and beverages market by 2020 — meaning organic food sales will reach an estimated U.S. $211.44 billion by that time! Grand View Research, the originators of the new report, writes, “Growing adoption of organic food & beverages owing to associated health benefits and eco-friendly characteristics is expected to drive demand over the next six years.” The firm also asserts that “regulatory support for organic farming” is also projected to have a positive impact on the organic food market because both supply and product quality will see gains. The report posts that all areas of or

California’s Largest-Ever Rally To Ban Fracking

Thousands of environmentalists took to California’s state capitol recently to demand Governor Jerry Brown ban hydraulic fracturing, in what was called the largest anti-fracking mobilization the state has ever seen. Fracking is a method of extracting fossil fuels that is coveted for its ability to increase the flow of oil or gas from a well. This is done by injecting high-pressure water and chemicals miles deep into the ground into subsurface rock, effectively “fracturing” the rock and allowing more spaces for oil and gas to come through. The process relies heavily on groundwater by injecting a mixture of chemicals and water into rock formations to release oil and gas deposits. California’s recent drought emergency has prompted some lawmakers to push for a statewide moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, as a recent Ceres report found that 96 percent of California fracking wells are located in the areas experiencing drought and high water stress. The protest, called Don’t Frack Califor

Electric Buses Being Tested Around The World

A large, 60-foot electric bus has been running for almost two weeks in Sao Paulo, Brazil where it has transported over 135,000 passengers since hitting the road. The bus joined the city’s already diverse fleet, which includes buses running on biodiesel, ethanol, diesel and electric trolley buses. This is just the latest movement in an international effort to develop electric buses that are quiet, fuel-free, and reducing air and greenhouse gas pollution. The batteries and recharge system in the Sao Paulo bus were made by Japan-based Mitsubishi while the body and motor were built in Brazil. The bus, which can hold 124 passengers and travel 125 miles without recharging, is winning over local approval for its quietness and international approval for being environmentally friendly. The battery-powered buses do not require cables, as is the basis for the electric trolleybuses that use the city’s grid. “The bus is super-healthy for the planet and can do its job almost like diesel-fueled mo